Speakers For Schools

How we generated +10k app downloads at £2/download in just 4 months

The highest Return-on-Ad-Spend we ever generated for a client, measured in conversions, impressions & clicks

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Paid Social


Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok

Project Timeline




Increased in ROI revenue

Project Overview

Our client, a Non-Profit Organisation dedicated to children's and teenagers' education, needed assistance in building awareness around their mobile application and boosting the number of downloads. The project took place over a period of 6 months.

Project Execution

In order to boost the app downloads on both iOS and Android, we developed and implemented a cross-channel funnel, that converted users from followers into customers. The platforms we used in the funnel were:

  • Facebook
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok

Using these three platforms, we generated a 3-step funnel (Awareness, Interest, Decision) that generated over 10,000 app downloads at an all-time low cost.


The results exceeded our expectations:

  • Over 10,000 app downlads in just 4 month
  • A Cost-Per-Download of under £2
  • Over 14 million impressions generated via Facebook, Snapchat and TikTok
  • Over 50,000 link clicks
  • A Cost-Per-Click of under £0.45

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